Lab Updates
Funding: A Novel Biomarker For Younger-Onset Dementia
Grant received from the Brain Foundation (Australia) in collaboration with Muireann Irish at the University of Sydney. Work will investigate brain morphology in frontotemporal dementia.
Noncontact measurement of emotional and physiological changesin heart rate from a webcam
New paper online! Collaboration with Kyle Mathewson at the University of Alberta, accepted for publication in Psychophysiology.
“Each time the heart beats, blood is expelled and travels through the body. This blood flow can be detected in the face using a standard webcam that is able to pick up subtle changes in color that cannot be seen by the naked eye.”
Today is day 1 as an assistant professor!!
Beyond the ivory tower: reciprocal relationships between scientific research, communication, and mentorship
If you weren’t at my APS 2017 talk, or even if you were, take a look at slides on benefits of Twitter and science communication.

Big News!!!
Excited to be starting as an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham in the School of Psychology later this year!